Education: Apprenticeship
Job: Manager/leader
Shape: Normal
Eyes: Brown
Brýle: Yes
Hair: Short
Hair color: Black
Vousy: Oholený / Nemám
Sign: Cancer
Ethnicity: White
Tattoo: A little
Piercing: No
Alcohol: Occasionally
Smoking: A little
Drugs: Don’t show
Anal sex:Hate Love
Role:Active Passive
Oral – giving:Hate Love
Oral – receiving:Hate Love
Onanism:Hate Love
Cuddling:Hate Love
Kissing:Hate Love
Sexual appetite:Asexual Always horny
Next: Underwear, Sport clothes, Latex, Leather, Suits, Skinheads, Uniforms, Piss, SM - hard, Rimming, Fisting, Bondage, Wax and Leather belts
Pubic hair: No
Body hair: A little
Penis length: 17.5 cm
Penis diameter: 4.5 cm
Circumcision: No
Temperament:Introvert Extrovert
Tidiness:Messy Tidy
Punctuality:Unpunctual Punctual
Effeminate:Never A lot
Technical skills:Never A lot
World view:Pessimist Optimist
Enjoyments:Idealist Materialist
Night life:Home body Party animal
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