Surprise me. Don't be normal...
User has changed his username. Previous username: Jebulinek.
Name: Алёша
Education: College
Job: Artist
Shape: Slim
Eyes: Blue
Brýle: No
Hair: Longer
Hair color: Dark brown
Vousy: Strniště
Sign: Cancer
Ethnicity: White
Tattoo: No
Piercing: No
Alcohol: Occasionally
Smoking: A little
Drugs: Never
Temperament:Introvert Extrovert
Tidiness:Messy Tidy
Punctuality:Unpunctual Punctual
Effeminate:Never A lot
Technical skills:Never A lot
World view:Pessimist Optimist
Enjoyments:Idealist Materialist
Night life:Home body Party animal
About me:
"Čím chladněji budete počítat, tím rychleji půjdete kupředu. Bijte bez lítosti, budou se vás bát. Berte ženy a muže jen jako dopravní koně, které zanecháte zchvácené na každé zastávce...Zmocní-li se vás opravdový cit, ukryjte jej jako poklad, neprozraďte ho nikdy, byl byste ztracen."
To every man there is a cause which he would gladly die for.
Defend the right to have a place to which he can belong to.
And every man will fight with his bare hands in desperation.
And shed his blood to stem the flood, to barricade invasion.
Vysvětlení old nicku... Jebulínky = Synonym pro antikoncepci (Moravský slang)
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