Deni.De.Vill (30/185/62)

– Jihočeský kraj » Tábor



Věk od: 15
Věk do: 25

Profil založen

Počet návštěv

Naposledy přihlášen

Jméno: Denis

Vzdělání/studuji: Maturita
Práce: Student

Postava: Hubená
Oči: Hnědé
Vlasy: Krátké
Barva vlasů: Tmavě hnědá
Znamení: Ryby
Etnikum: Běloch

Tetování: Hodně
Piercing: Ano

Alkohol: Příležitostně
Kouření: Málo
Drogy: Nikdy
Mazlení:Nesnáším Miluji
Líbání:Nesnáším Miluji

Ochlupení pohlaví: Žádné
Ochlupení na těle: Žádné
Délka penisu: 30 cm
Povaha:Introvert Extrovert
Pořádek:Nepořádný Pořádný
Dochvilnost:Nedochvilný Dochvilný
Zženštilý:Vůbec Hodně
Technický typ:Vůbec Hodně
Pohled na svět:Pesimista Optimista
Požitky:Idealista Materialista
O sobě:
Well..something about me / Něco o mně
FACEBOOK: Deni De Vill

I'm a professional qualified designer.
I'm not here to try and impress anyone blud, if you're arrogant then please kindly fuck off, i hate arrogance. OH and don't take me too seriously, i don't actually think i'm a gangster. :P

I well would love someone to come see me with a big bag of high grade and a cuddle, that would be dreamy :) Atm my work involves me not leaving my house, working when I want, and doing stuff I love doing!

I'm a nerd and a chav at heart, I love my Half Life 1 Deathmatch, multiplayer online games, tetris, my GFX forums, pwning all teh n00blingz and all ur base r belong to me.

Contrary to popular belief, I'm actually quite a regular/cotch/sound guy, I promise you :) fuck the hype? Who says we can judge those we've never met? We can't, we shouldn't, we don't listen to rumours, we don't have time for drama, we understand that there are much bigger fish to catch in our individual oceans, stay true, respect everyone around us, give something back, give a little heart! :)

To sum me up, I'm a regular 18 year old chap who likes to go out alot and get fucked with his friends, smoke bare zoots, get a bit hectic, go to a good show, get a toost on, maybe throw a couple windmill, get deep, get some munch, get the love of a good girl and your more to be much richer than my world and your happiness will un-curl, cotch, get more messy, pass out, go out do some free running, try and learn something new, improve in everything, go home and cotchhh, facebook is fucking hecticly boring. I love a good fight, when someone pushes past the point i can't control, you'll realise i'm not the sort of person you want to get on the wrong side of, and if you dis respect me or any of my friends and family, there are major consequences to your actions, every action has a reaction, and i'll be the one to fucking end you. I love a good drink down the pub as the next person, but I'd choose a zoot over a pint anyday ;) Need to release my lil' hectic mind now and again, apart from that, don't do drugs, stay in school!...then go to college for boobies and weens.
'My birth tree is: Poplar, the Uncertainty.
Looks very decorative, no self-confident behaviour, only courageous if necessary, needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings, very choosy, often lonely, great animosity, artistic nature, good organiser, tends to philosophy, reliable in any situation, takes partnership serious.'
Sums me up perfectly^
I wish I could turn back time to undo all the wrongs I've done, all the people I've hurt, all the people that have hurt me. I sometimes hope for things to go back to the way they once were, most of all i wish for things to get better, friends are the most important thing in my life, but I can't ever help but feel but I'm forever losing them,Please don't let me go, Love you all, bless fam x

All those dirty words that you said, did you mean them, did you now? You're biting at the hand that feeds you, like a stray for some scraps. And everybody that you once knew has turned their backs. And everyone that you once loved has sold you out.
And everyone I know, they faked it from the word go and I need to know why, that everyone I love has been swimming with the sharks and I don't know why. Does defeat leave a taste in your mouth? One that you could live without? And Everyone that you once knew has turned their backs. And everyone that you once loved has sold you out.

People have always told me, I'm just sailing through life, so the best way to describe my life is, I'm just forever sailing this ship of dreams, searching for better days, trying not to re-live the memories of the days that create a clouded mind of regret, to re-live is to regret, to forgive is to forget. These waves are powerfull and want me to stay lost forever, and the sharks who swim below me are always trying to bite the hand that feeds them, but I'm not reaching my hand out, my reach is met with arrogance that surrounds me, my eyes shall only look forward for that horizon, the only time to look down is for my compass to remind me which way my heart has to go, and i'll find home and find out who I am, this is my life, and I'll sail this ship until the final sundown. x

If I ruled the world I'd sail ships until sundown, Then I'd return, return to walk these streets alone. If you seek your eternal sunshine, you must first look inside yourself, If your mind is clouded, you'll never see what lies in front of you, and These ties were always fake, Put together to make you feel safe, It's your armor that's choking, How protected do you really feel? The path that you've chosen will leave you with nothing. Your humility will faulter and It's your dying thoughts that will fail you, The only redemption discard everything you were, so your humility will faulter and it's your waking thoughts that will save you, The only redemption remakes everything you are. How many steps away do you think you could possibly be? Your in control of who you want to be, Your only saviour will be yourself. With all we have, We'll chain ourselves to what we know.

This will never be the same again, You will never be the same again, Things will never be the same again so how could you ever be?
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