Jeden blbec vždycky vydá za víc blbců... (Kayel, 29.12.2014, 0:47)
Povaha:Introvert Extrovert
Pořádek:Nepořádný Pořádný
Dochvilnost:Nedochvilný Dochvilný
Zženštilý:Vůbec Hodně
Technický typ:Vůbec Hodně
Pohled na svět:Pesimista Optimista
Požitky:Idealista Materialista
Noční život:Domácí typ Párty typ
INFJ. Shy and socially awkward - zkrátka klasika.
"Ahoj" a "Jak se máš?" jsou v pořádku. Jediný riziko je, že odepíšu.
Za plusko děkuju, není to ale obvykle pobídka k tomu, abych napsal (jen upozorňuju).
Jestli máš zájem jet na vodu - nenáročnou, klidnou víkendovku, ozvi se. Hledám lidi, co se neštítí pádla (a vody, heh).
Oblíbené filmy:
"Ok, so what, I might just be a rebound or a really shitty consolation prize or you're just really looking for an ego boost - but whatever it is, I'll take it."
"I saw that, bitch! Don't make me replace you crack with baking soda!"
"Did you ever get cum in your eye, Gabriel? Hm? - It buuurns!"
"We don't throw anything out, that's not completely dead - deal?"
"Let's just say, some dentists open wide for their patients."
"We accept the love we think we deserve."
Oblíbené seriály:
"Who are you? Wha do you want? Why are you here?"
"Oh, dear! I really ought to do something. Buuut... I am already in my pyjamas."
"People assume that time is a strict progression from cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective view it's more like a big ball of... wibbly wobbly... timy wimy... stuff."
"I worship His Shadow!"
"I am the Dominar of sixteen billion subjects! I don't have to put up with this!"
"Daniel?!" "Jack?"
"I believe among your people it is customary to shake hands."
"Have a chocolate!"
"If you go looking for the truth, get the whole thing. It’s like a good fuck. Half is worse than none at all."
"And what crime against nature will you be serving this evening?"
"Revenge fantasies never work out the way you want..."
"Začátek je doba, kdy je třeba pečlivě dbát o co nejpřesnější rovnováhu."
"Intelligence creates. That means you must deal wth responses never before imagined. You must confront the new."
"Real boats rock!"
Anebo podle oblíbených postav? Mrakoplaš a Bábi Zlopočasná, Vrell a Snajpr a Drak, Marigold i Reynevan, Kivrin a pan Dunworthy, Corwin a Merlin...
... Hmmm, je toho trochu moc. :/
Tak ještě aspoň nějaký hry:
"Swords for everyone!"
"Ah! The child of Baal has awoken. It is time for more... experiments."
"What can change the nature of a man?"
"Stay awhile, and listen!" (všechny tři)
"Be gone! I trust no one! They say I kill for pleasure. They're right!"