Life's a cake... It's you who puts ingredients into it...
Povaha:Introvert Extrovert
Pořádek:Nepořádný Pořádný
Dochvilnost:Nedochvilný Dochvilný
Zženštilý:Vůbec Hodně
Technický typ:Vůbec Hodně
Pohled na svět:Pesimista Optimista
Požitky:Idealista Materialista
Noční život:Domácí typ Párty typ
Som celkom povrchny tvor, mam rad dobre vyzerajucich ludi co su vtipni a vyzeraju presne tak ako maju. A ako to je? To netusim ani ja sam, ale ak ma niekto zaujme tak to dam najavo hoci niekedy mi to nejde alebo si dam nacas kedze som z casu na cas brzda a niekedy protivny jak osina v zadku, ale inak sa snazim zit zivot tak aby som nikomu nerobil nic zle bez dovodu a potreby.
It should help you not to waste your or my time for that matter
1. If your 1st message is about having sex, you will be closed, if I want to have something with you, I will let you know
2. I am who I am, maybe I will change, maybe I won't
3. If you don't know me, have your opinion of me and even if you do know me, keep it
4. My pictures and blog, especially, are not expressing the reality or that I think things like that should be done
5. Maybe I am striking you in a way, I can be smug from time to time, but if you work a little on being yourself, I will show you parts of me
6. Sure I have past and I've done some stupid shit and I have no problem talking about it, but on my own terms, if you like to judge people, move on. There is only one judge that can judge me and that's a judge at court or maybe God. Though if you are a judgemental bitch, we just might get on well.
7. I know I am an idiot but thanks for reminding me.
8. I like people who have some sense of proper grammar, you don't have to be 100% perfect but have the basics, please.
9. If you start conversation with how good looking or whatever I am, I won't be pleased.
10. Last but not least I like sweet things, NOT people
It's just like 10 commandments
not from God, but from me, follow them and I guess we can be friends